
Welcome to Steller Secondary School!   2009-10 will see many changes in the way student information will be gathered and kept.  Some of these changes will necessitate a change in how we have been keeping track of attendance.

If you have not heard about ZANGLE you will!  Zangle is the Anchorage School Districts new “Student Information System”.  It replaced the old “VAX” system.  By now you should have received a form from the District asking for updated information- phone numbers, address etc.  If you did not receive one of these forms please let me know.

Zangle will require all teachers to take daily attendance. Therefore, it will be critical that if you know your child is going to miss school for whatever reason you call that into the school no later than the next day [742-4950].  At the end of this letter I have added brief directions on how to go about notifying the school

If you are a new family to Steller Secondary school you will quickly learn that being at Steller is a time of change.  The workload and social adjustments are greater here than any ASD school.  Your child will be expected to attend school regularly, complete all assignments, and behave appropriately.  Their year will be exciting and filled with many new opportunities.

You will receive a student handbook [if not please contact the main office] read all items carefully.  Students are responsible for knowing the contents of their handbooks. It does a good job of explaining a typical year at our school and what the expectations are for all of our students.  By reading it, you will have a better idea of what those expectations are.  Also, take a moment to look at the school website and then go to the community website (Steller Flash).  There you will find a plethora of information that will assist you in navigating Steller.

We are pleased to have you as partners for the 2009-10 educational school year.  As the year progresses, and as you become either more informed or more puzzled we encourage you to come in or call the school and talk with those who might be able to help.

The importance of school attendance in relation to achievement, engagement, and educational success has been well researched and documented.  The pervasive thought is that the more time students are in school [Alternative setting, internships. Community services or educational trips] the better chance they have to be personally and academically successful.

As stated before, attendance will be a requirement for all ASD schools next year.  Excused absences: Parents should call to excuse absences no later than the next day following the absence.  When calling to leave a message please speak slowly and clearly and spell the last name of the student.   The importance of calling in an absence is that when an absence is excused your child can get make-up-work.  With an unexcused absence the teacher does not have to give make-up-work for the absent day(s).

In addition if your child needs to leave school for an appointment, you should call the main office at 742-4950 and notify the school.   At that point it will be noted in Zangle.  This will allow your child to leave school at a designated time and return to school late without consequence. 
No student has to have a “Blue Pass” ever.  It is a pro-active measure if you 
know he/she will be coming back late from a Dr. appt for example.  

I know that sometimes parents like to take their child out for lunch as a 
treat for a birthday, if this is the case it would be best to notify the office, that way it can be noted as an excused absence or tardy.

New procedures will require two things:

 1.  If your child is absent for any reason call it in as soon as possible
 that day so it will go in the books as an excused absence which requires 
they get make-up-work.
 2.  If, anytime during the day, you need to take your child from school the 
call will serve as an excused absence that allows them to get the
 make-up-work they missed. The student will need to check in the office prior to leaving and a “Blue Pass” will be issued to the student.  A “Blue Pass” is a type of excused absence which means your child can get make up work for the times they are gone due to appointments.  If you have to leave a message please speak slowly, clearly and spell the last name.

We are glad to have you with us this year, and we want to assure you that we will do our best to help your child experience academic, social and emotional growth.  With your help and cooperation, this should be an excellent school year. Steller   Secondary School offers complete academic programs with the flexibility to meet your student’s individual needs.   Your concern, your involvement, your support, and your parental guidance have never been more important than they will be over the next few years.

Good luck on your journey through the hallowed halls of Steller Secondary School.  We hope this will be one of your most successful years ever.

Harlod Green