Youth Grant Celebration

Safe and Drug Free Schools is starting the new year with a celebration of the fabulous work the students [around the District] did for the Youth Grant.  The celebration is on Monday Jan. 26 from 3-4 pm in the Board Room at the Boniface Center.  We scheduled it just before the Board’s special session so we are hopeful that the Board members will be attending.

What: Youth Grant Celebration
When: Monday Jan. 26, 3-4 pm
Where: Board Room in the Boniface Center

They will showcase each group’s project and then present group members with a sweatshirt and a certificate.   Please let me know if you  are planning to attend the celebration so that I may let the organizers know who to expect.  The students from Steller that won one of these prestigious awards are:

  • Katie S. [master mind behind the project]
  • Laura J.
  • Chelsea D.
  • Bryn W.
  • Malcolm K.
  • Jennifer G.
  • Zeb R.
  • Elise S.
  • Claire S.
  • Ryan J.
  • Shannon Herda [teacher in charge]

I hope to see everyone there.
