Why Attendance Is Important?

Every student should attend every class every day.  Regular attendance and promptness are expected in all classes and are essential for success in school. Learning to participate in group discussions, developing an appreciation for the views and abilities of other students, and forming the habit of regular attendance are legitimate objectives of any course.  “Learning” which is lost due to absence can never be adequately replaced.  Since regular attendance is one of the greatest single factors contributing to successful schoolwork, the first obligation of a student is to attend school regularly.

We know that good attendance is important for success at middle level and high school.  We have also seen a correlation between attendance and performance on standardized tests and assessments.  Additionally, good attendance is one of the life skills that will help students be successful in future education endeavors and in the job market. Let us instill in our children that good attendance is important.  Show them that you are interested in their school activities and want them to do well in school.  Support your child’s education. Steller offers exceptional learning opportunities every day we are in session. Help your child be at school, in classes working hard all day, every day!

Make sure they get enough sleep so that they are well rested in the morning. Talk with your child about his or her assignments. Establish a specific time and place for homework to be completed. Check homework for accuracy. Help your child create a special folder for finished assignments this will help them overcome some of the obstacles to regular attendance such as embarrassment for not having completed assignments.

Parents have the right to make the decision concerning school attendance for their children. As parents, you also have the most influence on your child’s behavior. However, when parents and the school work together, we can have the maximum influence on student attendance.