What Lessons Have We Learned?

At tonights Parent Group meeting a parent brought up a very good question.

As we start the final quarter of this unique and challenging year, and start looking forward to next year, now is a good time for our community to consider what we have learned, what might we want to continue doing next year, and what changes might we want to work on. 

One idea that has been mentioned was to continue with having Wednesday as an asynchronous day, with the possibility of allowing passage time, or perhaps modifying our intensives to be spread out over the term. I am sure there are many great ideas out there that merit consideration. 

It was proposed that a committee of staff, students and parents might want to convene and identify ways to get input from our community.  This moment presents a powerful opportunity for our community to come together, and provide direction for our school, and to me is at the heart of the Steller Philosophy. 

If you or your student would be interested in joining this committee please let me know at chairstellerparentgroup@gmail.com
