Welcome from Steller Parent Group!

Dear families,

Steller Parent Group wishes you a happy new year! 

The Steller Parent Group is an integral part of the Steller Community and is made up of parents and guardians, students, and staff. You do not need to sign up or pay fees to be part of the Steller Parent group, and all members of our community are welcome to attend  meetings,  share ideas, bring proposals, join committees and vote on matters at hand. 

The purpose of the SPG is to enrich the lives of Steller students through the financial support and leadership from all parents and guardians. We strive to promote parent and guardian involvement in school activities. All of this takes the hard work and dedication of our community members. 

We would like to extend our profound gratitude to our outgoing co-chair Amy Dummann. For the past two years she has generously given her time and attention to help grow our organization and support the Steller Community. We are thankful for her hard work! 

We are currently have a few volunteer needs:

  • Co-chair. Starting asap. You would be working closely with our current chair Dee Dee to learn about the position and continue into the 2024/2025 school year.
  • School Recruitment:
    • Alternative School Fair Saturday, January 24 1 to 4 pm at Loussac Library.
    • Present to our feeder school PTA dates to be determined.
    • Help with Ice Cream Social Thursday, February 8 6 to 7:30 pm at Steller. 
  • Bylaw Review Committee.
  • 50th Anniversary Committee. We want to plan something fun for September 2024! 

We meet in person and online for our  Monthly Meetings.. Everyone is more than welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you! 

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, January 16 at 6:00pm.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out any time. 

Warm regards,

Dee Dee Zobian 

Chair Steller Parent Group
