Welcome Back

If you are anything like I am, one of the things you did over the break in abundance was eat.  Turkey, ham, yams, pies of all types etc… were consumed to the point of bursting.  It was also a time for grandmas, grandpas, family, and friends to experiment with different concoctions that are lauded as “mm-mm good!”  For example, a mixture of pineapple cubes, melon balls, and a dash of vanilla all combined with sparkling water was supposed to be “to-die-for”.  And I almost did, trying to drink the delicacy while keeping a straight face!

The house was alive with the sounds of little feet running around and, yes, sometimes falling down.  But, it was all in good fun and as soon as the “boo-boo” was patted, blown on, or kissed they were right back at it, giggling and screaming as though nothing ever happened.  I never knew such small throats could produce such loud, penetrating sounds!  However, I don’t think there is a more beautiful sounds than the laughter and screams of a small child having fun.

It is also very curious how moms and dads all over rush out to buy wonderful things for their young ones thinking all the while that “He is going to really love this!” or “She will be so happy to get this!” only to discover the truth.  What is the truth? Two-year olds would rather play with the paper and the styrofoam packing materials than their new toy!  I think next year I will buy large quantities of brightly colored paper, ball it all up, stick it all in a large bag, and give it to my son.

My daughter acted as if she was in a competition to see how many presents she could open in the least amount of time.  As soon as she unwrapped one she was on to the next and the item was cast aside never having been played with. Then she tried to take my son’s presents and open his.  When asked why, she said that it is ok because she was “only trying to help”.

We wanted her to begin taking piano lessons this year.  Some of you may be able to relate to this.  Not having a piano, my wife and I began looking for one.  We got one from Costco.  Although it is not a Grande and does not fill up the entire room, it is pretty big, taking up a third of one of the downstairs playroom walls.  I told her that someone had brought her a very special gift and it was downstairs.  Keep in mind she had been unwrapping brightly colored packages for the last 15 minutes.  We went downstairs and she looked around for presents, walking past and nearly bumping into the piano. She did not see the large black item against the east wall of our downstairs playroom!  Neither my wife nor I said anything while my daughter asked, “Where is the present daddy?”  In the meantime my little boy spotted it right away and rushed over. He climbed onto the stool and began to play the favorite tune of all two-year olds, “The Ode to a Little Kid”.  Then my daughter said, “Oh, whose piano is that?” We just smiled…

Having had very little as a child, I am aware that I spoil my little ones and I know that experts say that I shouldn’t do that.  However, I know for a fact that you are only young once and for a very short time at that.  So, I intend for their childhoods to be the best of times for as long as I am able to make it so.