Vote for the Steller Parent Group Budget!



At the Steller Parent Group Meeting on Tuesday, September 12 the Steller Board shared the 2023 SPG Budget Document

We have one major fundraiser planned this year. 

Cups4Kids will take place the first week of October. The Steller Community is invited to join us in the Lobby and share coffee and cocoa, and students will be collecting donations at this time via Square, check and cash. We have set a total fundraising goal of $18,400 this year. 

Funds raised are used for things like the Back to School BBQ, Sophomore Day, Staff Appreciation, Travel Scholarships for students in need, and Intensive support to reduce the overall cost for participants. All members of our community – Students, Staff, Parents & Guardians are invited to bring a proposal to SPG and make a Request for Funding any time throughout the year. 

Please review the attached Budget, and then vote “Yay” to accept the budget as presented or “nay”, and provide feedback.

The vote closes at 10 pm on Wednesday, September 20th. The budget will be passed with a simple majority of total votes.