Valentines Day Dance – Feb 13

Hello Parents, 
The Valentines Day Dance committee needs chaperones for the Valentines dance falling on the 13th of February. The dance is from 7-11 pm. We ask that chaperones during the first shift show up at 6:50 pm. All shifts are open and we need at least four parents for each shift.
6:50 pm – 9:00 pm and 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm are the shifts. 
We currently have only one chaperone for the dance. Please sign up if you can. You can sign up by contacting Alana at (907) 229-8694.

Attention, Steller students!

Our Valentines “Sadie’s” dance is coming up, so make sure to buy your tickets early, and ask someone out (if you’re so inclined). Remember: The girls ask the guys out for this one! The date is Thursday, February 13th @ 7pm-11pm.
(Dance hosted by TPC)