Update on Warmth And Welcome Committee

Dear Steller Community,

Some parents have asked for help: They have to drop their children off at school considerably before the doors open, and as it gets colder, this becomes more difficult for students. Under normal circumstances  students have been welcomed into the school and trusted to remain in the lobby following the school Philosophy of Responsible Freedom. However, district COVID protocols and general safety, make this not possible this year. SPG has been working with Steller Staff to see if we can find some sort of resolution to this difficulty and support our students.

Over the last month we ran a sign up sheet for the Warmth & Welcome committee. Parent and guardian volunteers were invited to sign up to be present in the student lounge at the front of the school to help build and support out Steller community,  while respecting COVID safety practices.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to Amy D. who has volunteered for several morning shifts.

Now that it has turned very cold we would like to continue the Warmth and Welcome Committee, and grow it to have a large number of volunteers.

We see Warmth and Welcome as an opportunity to:

  • help out families that are struggling with transportation issues,
  • maintain COVID safety,
  • for parents to have access to the school and to get to know each other and the students,  

And we hope this can be a positive community building option during difficult circumstances.

Parents are also welcome to sign up to be present during the lunch hour to help promote safe mask wearing.  Again, we believe this is a great opportunity for parents to see and participate in the positive energy the school has during the day. 

If you are interested in volunteering please:

  1. Sign up using Sign up Genius Here
  2. Sign the ASD Volunteer Form
  3. Attend a brief Orientation with Maria

Once we have a few volunteers we can talk about how to deal with absence etc.

Steller Parent Group thanks you on behalf of the lager parent body and Steller Staff. 

For questions please contact Kirsten at chairstellerparentgroup@gmail.com or Maria

We have many volunteer opportunities! Please check the volunteer page of the SPG website regularly for updates! 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen