Two of Steller’s Own

In case you didn’t know, our choir teacher Mary Schallert is the aunt of two very brave young people that attended Steller.  Her niece and nephew, both of whom were Steller students, were in Haiti when the earthquake hit. Julian Brelsford was in a small village south of Port Au Prince doing relief work, and he brought Christa Brelsford who is currently working on her PhD in engineering to have a look at the infrastructure.  The village and the country gets pummeled every time a hurricane blows through.   Christa left Steller at the age of 16 to go straight in to college, and Julian did the same.  She sort of jokes about being a high school drop out with a PhD. Julian is still in Haiti right now with broken toes.  Christa’s leg was crushed under one of those buildings she was looking at, she will lose her foot but she is alive and was medi-vaced to Miami.  T’is handy to be American.  These are kids to be proud of, and they are connected to the our school.

There is a big story on Christa in A.D.N and a video link to an interview Christa did on  CBS. The story begins at the link below.

The story continues on the link below and you can view the video on this link as well.
