Two Important Upcoming Events

There are two upcoming events I want to inform you about.  Patient’s First will administer onsite Flu vaccinations ($20), Vitamin B12 ($15), Super B ($30), includes B12, pneumocoaal ($60) and T-Dap ($50), the tetanus vaccination which even adults should have every 10 years. Click here for more information.  I have left consent forms for the vaccinations on the counter in the main office. The clinic would like you to fill the consent form out ahead of time. This opportunity is open to parents, staff and students. It will take place in the MPR from 7:30 until 8:30, Friday morning, September 23rd.  If you are interested or are interested in having your child or adolescent receive any of the above, please let me know so that I can give the clinic a heads up on the approximate number. If you can go ahead and fill out the consent, then give it to me, that would probably be the best way to keep track of numbers.  I have been told that Patient’s First does not currently have the flu mist, but they will let me know if their supply arrives before our clinic.  I will pass the word on when I hear something.

The second item I want to discuss is Camp Erin. Camp Erin is part of Hospice of Alaska. It is a three day camp (Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon) for children and adolescents who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. The camp is entirely free and is full of wonderful activities for those who participate. I was a volunteer last year and will be a part of the program again this year. If you have a child or adolescent or if you know of one who has experienced a recent loss, this could be an excellent opportunity for them. The camp is in Birchwood at the Boy Scout Camp and will take place the weekend of October 7th. We will sleep in cabins, do lots of indoor and outdoor activities, have great meals. and lots of fun. I have the registration forms for Camp Erin in my office and I can leave a few with flu consents in the main office as well. Please feel free to call me about either of these two events or anything else I can assist you with.

Anne M. McCarron, R.N. NBCSN
Steller Secondary