To the Steller Community from the Principal

Steller Community:

It is with great pride I welcome all of our new and returning students and families to Steller Secondary School for the 2015-16 School Year. I wonder what amazing things students and teachers will come up with this year? I am looking forward to being inspired and in awe of the directions we will go.

We have had a few changes in staff this year. I can’t wait for you to meet our newcomers.

Please welcome:

Becky Gerik                           Language Arts/Social Studies

Jason Collins                        Math

Marianne Pedersen            Counselor

Simone Sanders                   Special Education/Resource

And in a different teaching position:

Mike Moore                           Science

I hope you are ready for supreme effort, cooperation, and to broaden your understanding while sharing and gaining confidence of the world. I expect you all to come ready to make a difference, seek new experiences, and to make Steller the best educational program while experiencing the (responsible) freedom of choice and thoughtfulness.

If you need help, we are here; you have ideas and inspiration, we are here. There are many paths to make and follow… while you’re at it, take a few colleagues along.

Our Lounge Committee really out did them, we have a beautiful lounge to make your own.

See you in the halls, and classrooms or come into the office and say hello, Wren will be glad to see you too.


If you need any assistance, 742-4950