WHAT? We need to finish harvesting veggies for Souper Steller, plant more strawberries and raspberries and in our new raised bed, (thanks to Troy’s advisary), plant a whole bunch of donated perennials,(thanks to our friend Steve Gordon) and clean up the flower beds and put them to sleep.
WHEN? Sunday September 30. 1:00 pm until we’re done.
WHERE? Peace Garden at the south end of the Steller parking lot.
WHO? Anybody, bring a friend also. We like dogs, maybe they can help dig potatoes. WHY? Communal gardening is fun and many hands make light work.
HOW? Just show up at 1:00 with old warm clothes, good gloves, and enthusiasm.
For more info call Maya or Amy at 562-3966 or maya.earthgirl13@gmail.com