The Common Application – Advice from Marianne

Students who have yet to invite the counselor (Marianne) and a teacher recommender: Please complete the FERPA agreement and send an invitation as soon as possible to ensure that we have time to complete letters of recommendations and academic information. All students using the Common App have to invite Marianne as a counselor to provide colleges with school and academic information and get their transcript uploaded. Transcripts are uploaded three times a year as required by the colleges, fall, mid-year, and at the end of the school year. I am available to read essays before you finalize them. I recommend that you have one of the English teachers read the essay before you give it to me. Teachers and counselors often look for different things in the college essays. Print the application and proof read it before you hit the submit button. This is very important, as it is easier to detect errors when you read it on print. Also, sometimes part of the essay is cut off, which is an important error to catch. Make sure you spell the recommenders’ name and email addresses correctly. Check correct spelling on the ASD Steller website. I recommend that you verify that I received an invitation. If you want me to look over your application, please come to the computer lab or my office on Wednesdays after school.