Thank-you 9th grade class and Parent Volunteers

Many thanks to all the 9th graders and Parent Volunteers who helped in planning, organizing, setting-up, running, and cleaning up after the annual Steller Auction.  You helped to earn over $10,000 for Steller technology, travel, and yearbook funds.  (We don’t yet have a final tally, as monies are still coming in.)  Thanks also to the many Steller families who donated or solicited donations for auction items, and those who contributed supplies, food, and decorations.  As always, thanks to all the Advisory Groups for assembling the wonderfully varied, and valuable, AG Baskets—we couldn’t do it without you. We appreciate everyone who came, shopped, and purchased.  A note of awe and appreciation to the 9th graders who lent their talents to provide the auction entertainment, create the program art, and supply technical production assistance.  A special thanks to TBA’s Wayne Mitchell for acting as Auctioneer and MC