High School Graduation Qualifying Examination
The High School Graduation Qualifying Examination (HSGQE) measures minimum competencies of essential skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Passing all three sections of the HSGQE is part of the requirements to receive a diploma in the State of Alaska. The HSGQE is administered twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Students must take the HSGQE for the first time in the spring of the 10th grade. The HSGQE at the 10th grade will generate a score for the HSGQE graduation requirement and a score for assessing the student’s performance based upon the Grade Level Expectations for a 10th grader. The HSGQE is offered twice a year, once in the spring and again each fall for 11th and 12th graders. Eleventh and 12th grade students who need to retake one or more subtests of the HSGQE must retest at least once each year until they meet the proficiency requirement. Students receiving a certificate of achievement can retest twice each year until they meet the proficiency requirement. Once the student with a certificate of achievement has passed all the subtests of the HSGQE, he/she will be awarded a diploma.
HSGQE Resources
- HSGQE Brochure (pdf)
- HSGQE Test Blueprint (pdf)
HSGQE Math Practice Items
The practice items for the High School Graduation Qualifying Examination (HSGQE) were developed by two math department chairs within the Anchorage School District, Alison Mall at Bartlett High School and Jan Slattery at East High School. They used the Teacher’s Guide to the Alaska High School Graduation Qualifying Examination as the basis for their work. Practice test items were developed using the performance standards which tie directly to the way the results of the HSGQE are reported at the student level. The practice test items can be used by students who are preparing for the HSGQE. The answer guide is provided separately so students and/or teachers can check their work.
HSGQE Practice Exams
- HSGQE Reading Practice Test (pdf)
- HSGQE Writing/Math Practice Test (pdf)
- HSGQE Practice Reading Scoring Guide (pdf)
- HSGQE Practice Writing Scoring Guide (pdf)
- HSGQE Practice Math Scoring Guide (pdf)
- HSGQE Practice Test Administration Directions (pdf)