TerraNova Information

The TerraNova is a norm-referenced standardized achievement test that is part of the Alaska Comprehensive System of Student Achievement (CSSA).  The state requires the school districts to test grades 5 and 7. These grades will also participate in the statewide administration of the Standards-Based Assessment in April.

The TerraNova will be administered to students in grades 5 and 7 on February 3-4, 2009.  The dates schools can schedule make-up testing for the TerraNova are February 5-10.

The required sub-tests are timed and include reading, language, and mathematics. The TerraNova individual student results are reported in national percentile scores. The student’s achievement is compared with that of the national sample of students upon which the test was normed. By administering a norm-referenced test, we are able to gauge how our students in the Anchorage School District perform compared to students who were in the national norm group.

Each individual school will set their testing and make-up schedules. The combined length of the tests is 165 minutes with additional time required for test distribution and reading of directions.

Parents are asked to help by having their students rested and ready for testing on the testing days. Eating a nutritious breakfast is important. Please have your student to school on time and avoid scheduling appointments on the testing dates.