Final Concert is Saturday, April 13, 2019
Steller Students Make Honor Band Roster!
The Aurora Music Festival has released the Honor Band roster. The membership requires competitive auditions. Ten Steller students were accepted. The students are:
- Ry Allwright on alto saxophone
- Sarah Duot-Kelley on flute
- Johnathen Jencks on tuba
- Sebastien Libbrecht on trumpet
- Xavier Libbrecht on bassoon
- Griffin Lindsay on French horn
- Reagan Miller on alto saxophone
- Tatiana Rogers on flute
- Erica Stryker on trumpet
- Kohlby Vierthaler on trombone
“Steller band will be well represented in the Honor Band,” said Mr. Toba, the band director. “Ry, Reagan and Sarah are only 8th graders. They beat lots of high school players in the auditions. Ry is an alternate, but still it is a great accomplishment for him. Griffin, Sebastien, Tatiana, and Xavier earned the first chairs. Kohlby and Johnathen got the 2nd chairs. Erica and Reagan are the 3rd chairs. Overall, our students did very well for the auditions. I am very proud of them.”
The Aurora Music Festival will run from Thursday, April 11 through Saturday, the 13th, in Nenana, AK. The final concert will be held on Saturday, April 13th.