Teacher and Administrator Evaluations

State regulations require that students, parents, community members and school staff are given the opportunity to provide information about teacher and administrator performance.  These regulations regarding certificated employees do not require such an opportunity for positions not requiring a certificate.

The two forms currently available are the Evaluation Input Form on Teachers and the Evaluation Input Form on Administrators (whether they are site administrators or central office administrators).

If you would like to complete an Evaluation Input Form you have three options:

*   Employees can complete the web based EIF anonymously by going to the District Connection at http://home.asdk12.org.  You will find links to either EIF (Teacher or Administrator) under the special announcements section.

*   Members of the public and employees not wishing to remain anonymous can complete a web based EIF by going to the ASD Online at www.asdk12.org.  Links to either EIF can be found on the Parents home page Parents link is www.asdk12.org/parents/.

*   Web based EIFs will be transmitted electronically by the Human Resources Department (Sarah Hotchkiss, Web Programs Specialist) to the appropriate


*   School sites will also have “hard copies” of the form for parents and employees who do not have access to a computer.  Each school will determine a location for the form (most likely main office).  Hard copies will be kept confidential and routed by the school to the immediate supervisor.

*   The Evaluation Input Forms are now available for you and will be posted in their web locations through May 1, 2009.