Hello steller families!
As finals week is coming close to an end so is the upcoming deadlines for Yearbook.
We are close to the 45% mark for portraits turned in! We would love to have 100% participation if possible from the Steller community. This means in the next 4 days we need 55% of the portraits turned in to reach our goals. Currently yearbook needs 170 portraits. At the bottom of an email a guideline has been given to help take the portrait photos at home.
Yearbook is also in dire need of out-of-school activities photos, homemade mask photos, siblings, best friends (with stuffed animals), and transportation photos.
Please submit your photos before December 20th!
If you have any questions about submissions please let us know.
The price of yearbooks will be going up soon as well, make sure to get those ordered here.
The price will go up January 1st to $50 a book.
After the break, we will be looking for student art photos, home study area photos, and many more. If you already have photos that fit these categories feel free to send them in early!
We wish all Steller community members a healthy and happy winter break.
Yearbook committee
A note from SPG : The yearbook committee consists of a handful of staff and students (who are volunteering their time). Many ASD schools aren’t going to have a yearbook at all, so we at Steller are so lucky that people have stepped up to do this for us! The volunteers still have many steps to do to properly record each photo into the yearbook software after they receive them. So waiting until the last minute means more work for them during the holidays. Let’s help them out!
Please email your photos to yearbookstellersecondary@gmail.com or opgsml@gmail.com with your name, grade, advisory and theme your photo is for.