Tag Archives: #SPG

NEW Steller Student Directory

On Friday November 13 we will be launching our Steller Online Student Directory at steller.ptboard.com. The directory will be accessible from the Steller Parent Group Website or directly from steller.ptboard.org and is available to all students attending Steller Secondary. 

Adding your students to the directory is easy. Please also make sure your student has their grade and advisory included so people can search you more easily. We hope this will help students and families keep in contact with each other, especially during this time of social distancing and online learning.  

 Here is how to add yourself to the Directory:

  1. Go to steller.ptboard.com
  2. Create an account using the access code CGYJAU
  3. Log in and add information for each student that attends Steller
  4. Make sure you check “include in directory” box
  5. SPG will confirm your data and approve your entry
  6. Download the ptboard app

You can update your information anytime by logging in.  Please remove yourself if you leave the school.  Students will be rolled over to the next grade in May of each year. 

*Once you enter your information it will be visible to anyone with access to the directory.  We cannot guarantee this will only be members of the school community. 

*Steller Directory is solely for the personal use of students and their families – don’t share the code! The website and directory are not to be used in order to advertise goods, services or events unless approved by SPG.  This includes generating customer mailing or email lists. 

We are so excited to be able to offer this Student Directory to Steller families and look forward to it launching next week!

Kirsten Tschofen


Find out what’s happening and have your say!

All parents/guardians, students and staff are automatically a part of the Steller Parent Group. The mission of SPG is to promote parent and guardian involvement in school activities, to solicit, address, and make recommendations regarding issues and policy facing the Steller Community, to support fundraising activities and to facilitate the disbursement of funds.

Even though we aren’t in school in person there is still lots of activity at Steller.  Join us Tuesday, November 10 at 6:00 pm to hear reports from Reed, Staff and OpGroup. 

Steller Parent Group has been busy too and have lots to share about:

  • Approval of 2020-2021 Budget
  • The launch of the updated SPG Website
  • NEW Steller Flash subscription list
  • New Student Directory 
  • Two fundraising requests to be voted on:
    • Touchless hand sanitiser pumps ($320)
    • Student snack program for 3rd quarter ($1600)
  • Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign

Look for the Zoom link from Tami or email chairstellerparentgroup@gmail.com 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen (Chair)