Supply needs for Leigh Anne’s fiber art intensive

My fiber arts intensive is in need of the following supplies.  If you have any available and are willing to let us borrow/have them, please email me at <> or bring them to me in Relo 1.

To Borrow:

Spinning wheels and Inkle loom:  We would love to borrow any functioning spinning wheel or inkle loom for the two weeks of Intensives.

To Donate:

Old Crock-pots: We need a couple of old large crock-pots for dying fiber.  These will need to be donated and will not be suitable for food usage after we are done.

Empty plastic lettuce tubs-If you buy lettuce at Costco in the tubs, we could use a lot of empty ones.

Old CDs or DVDs for drop spindles

Old towels


Leigh Anne