Summer girls science day camp

Applications for the BRIGHT Girls Summer Academy are Open

BRIGHT Girls offers two-week, free, day-only academies in Fairbanks (July 10-21) and Juneau (July 24-August 4) for high school girls. Participants explore the biology and habitat of salmon (in Fairbanks) or harbor seals (in Juneau). Expect to go boating, take pictures, use science tools and technology, take measurements in the field and the lab, and explore the outdoors with new friends. Visit to learn more and submit an application by April 1. For more information, contact Laura Oxtoby at leoxtoby@alaska.edu907-474-5396.

Who can attend?
Girls entering 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grades in the fall of 2017.
What are the dates?
The 2017 Fairbanks, AK summer academy takes place from July 10- July 21, 2017 (with weekend off). The 2017 Juneau academy takes place from July 24- August 4, 2017 (with weekend off).
What is the cost?
There is no cost to attend the academy, thanks to the generous support of the National Science Foundation. We will provide snacks, but girls are expected to bring a sack lunch daily (with the exception of the overnight trip).
Is lodging available?
No. This is a day program only. Activities generally take place between 9AM-4:30PM (schedule varies on select days), with one overnight trip included.