Still Seeking Host Family

We are looking for a host family in January for Karim R, a 16 yr old Palestinian boy that we have hosted for 5 months. We thought we had a place for him, but plans fell through. Karim is on the West High Ski team and plans on playing soccer in the spring.  He is on a scholarship-exchange sponsored by the State Department until June.  He is a good guest and friendly boy with lots of friends at Steller, where he is a junior. We are open to help with transportation and short-term hosting as needed when you will be out of town.  Talk to Karim, Noah Z, or call/email Rick or Teresa Zimmer @ 278-2033/  Karim is our seventh exchange student, we have housed each of them for half a school year,  and we can tell you everything you need to know to be a host.