Steller Sophomore Day

Friday, April 10

8:30-2:05 PM

King Career Center

Dear Parents,

Each year Steller conducts an educational program for the sophomore class. The emphasis is on issues related to sexuality, reproductive health and teen relationships. This is a full day workshop that features guest speakers from the community. The purpose of this event is to present students with current and accurate information.

Parent permission is required for students to attend this workshop, there are two separate consent forms to sign, which are attached. Students have also been given these consent forms today at school. Our goal is to have every Steller sophomore attend this important event. Students will be excused from their regular classes if they attend the full-day workshop. However, students without permission will attend regularly scheduled classes. Please keep in mind that sophomore students must attend Sophomore Day if they plan to participate in Steller Activity Night later that evening.

Permission slips must be returned to Nurse Annette by Tues., April 7th, 2015.

Parent group and tenth grade parent volunteers will be providing lunch from 11:25 to 11:55 and students will be required to stay on site due to time constraints of the schedule.

An ASD bus will transport students to and from KCC and will depart promptly from Steller at 8:35 and will return by 2:05 PM. All students are expected to ride the bus.

Thank you,

Annette Johansen, RN

Steller School Nurse


Steller Consent Sophomore Day