Steller Presentation Day & Honoring Retirement

Dear Parents:

Next Wednesday, May 18 is Presentation & Graduation Day at Steller. It is a time when the Steller community recognizes the contributions, and achievements of all our students. Students may present their Senior Projects, report on their Intensives, or demonstrate what they learned via Peer-Taughts, IS, SDL or Passage classes. This year, we would also like to recognize the efforts, commitment, and contributions of our retiring Staff members: Nina Bonito-Romine, Karen Emmel, and Harlod Green. Nina has been the foreign language teacher for most Steller students, and a tremendous advisor to scores of graduates. Karen has provided countless resources for students seeking research, book recommendations, as well as help in preparing college applications. Harlod has provided innovative ideas and a can-do attitude throughout a time of transition at Steller.

Nina’s Advisory Group is treating the staff to a zero-hour breakfast on Wednesday, and then Presentation Day will commence at 8:30 am in the MPR. Nina, specifically, has requested we not make fuss, but we would like to acknowledge and express our appreciation for all the cumulative years of service, dedication and education these three educators have supplied to Steller. We are planning a brief introduction, and floral presentation at the beginning of the day’s activities in the MPR.

If you, or your student, would like to send in a special card, or message to Nina, Karen, or Harlod, we will post them on the rolling dividers in the MPR. We hope to collect enough good wishes to cover both sides of these two bulletin boards. Please keep messages greeting-card size, as we do not have sufficient space for large posters. If you would prefer to email, you can contact Nina, Karen, or Harlod through their ASD mailboxes. Or, if you’d prefer your email printed out and posted on the bulletin boards with the other greetings, send it to

Please join us for this special Presentation Day acknowledging our staff and students.


Rochelle Wilhelm
Parent Group