Parent Group Meeting Minutes – 10/22/08

October 22,2008
The Parent Group Meeting opened with music performed by the Steller Band.  All enjoyed the performance.
Call to order: 5:45PM
Welcome and Introductions:
All present introduced themselves and told the grade and name of their children attending Steller.
New Items added to the agenda:
A parent would like Steller to track the graduating classes.  She would like to have a research class offered to the students that would teach them how to collect and compile data.  This class would track how many graduates attended college and how many completed college.  There will be further discussion at the next Staff meeting.
Principal’s Report: Attached:
Harlod Green reminded everyone to sign up their Seniors for the Continental Auto Group Keys For Success. Seniors with a C average or better can sign up online to win a new car.
Op Group Report:  Hand out.
Staff Report.
A reminder that intensives sign ups are coming up.  Please discuss intensives with your students.
Treasurers Report:
Mary Tanner will be retiring as Treasurer next school year.  She would like someone to Co-chair with her this year and take over the Treasurers Chair next school year.  If you would like to volunteer please contact Mary Tanner , Barbara Wohlforth, or Rochelle Wilhelm.   Currently there is $8,393.19 in the checking account.  A total of 86 families have donated $6,260.00.  The parent group is still accepting family donations. eScrip proceeds are $569.36.  If you or someone you know would like to sign up for eScrip, there are applications available in the office.  You may also register online at, account # 6611573.   After you register, each time you shop at the participating stores a percentage will be given to Steller.   If you sign up or have someone you know sign up, you may enter your child into the eScrip raffle to win an ipod shuffle, one entry for every person you sign up.    Mary Tanner needs help selling raffle tickets for the January 3rd raffle to win a new car.  The tickets are $20 dollars each, of which $10 comes directly to Steller after the raffle.
Old and On Going Business:
The Strategic Planning Committee is continuing to work on the Steller Philosophy.  If you would like to volunteer or would like to be on the email list to have updated information on the committee’s work please contact
The Northwest Accreditation Process is moving ahead.   Harlod Green said that there are 8 standards that must be met.  The surveys must be compiled, a Vision Statement and a Belief Statement must be written and other requirements must be completed.  He is hoping to be ready by April to invite an examiner from NW Accreditation to do a walk through at Steller.  Any parent that would like to volunteer to compile and present data, please contact Harlod.
New Business:
School Café Planning.  Clay K. presented a proposal to redo the kitchen.   He will be applying for grants to fund the remodel.  The proposal    includes completely gutting the kitchen and bringing it up to code.  All the appliances will be replaced with industrial units. He has spoken with the ASD and ASD contractors must do all the work.  Clay estimates the cost to be under $50,000.    He envisions the new kitchen will be used for cooking classes, lunches and fundraisers. There is $300 allocated in the budget for the kitchen.
Proposal to Recommend a Bylaw Change:  Often there are not enough designated students or parents attending the Ad board meeting to make a quorum.  There are in attendance at the meetings, non-designated students and parents who cannot vote.  The recommendation is to allow the designated students and parents who attend to vote but if someone is absent, an attending parent or student may vote in their place.
A motion was made and seconded:  To free up the current language in the by-laws to allow for a quorum to be met with the parents and students attending the ad board meetings.   All present were in favor.  The motion passed.
Band Practice:  A parent requested the time for band practice be changed.  Harlod Green said it was being addressed already.
Discussion of Parking and Drop Off Lane:  A parent expressed concern about the safety of the current student drop off  conditions.  There are often 3 lanes dropping off and picking up students.  There is a concern that a car may hit a student. One parent suggested a traffic pattern for drop off and pick up be sent home to all new Steller parents.  One parent suggested asking the ASD to do a traffic safety study.  One parent suggested there be no parking on the left side of the driveway.  There will be a small group discussion with Harlod Green, parents, and staff.  If anyone is interested in this discussion, please contact Harlod.
There is a new Dry Erase easel for parent announcements in the hall.
Announcements and Upcoming Events:
Advisory Board Meeting, October 23rd 5:30-7:00
October Dance, October 24th 7:00-11:00
All Community Meeting, November 13th  7:00- 9:00
Next Parent GroMeetingup Meeting, Nov 19th 5:30-7:00
Questions and Suggestions for Topics for Future Parent Group:
Intensive Catalogs
Adjournment:  7:03

Minutes submitted by Dorothy Higginbotham