Steller Olympics

Steller Olympics will be held on Monday, May 17—rain or shine.

The students have already been divided into teams, and signed up for their events.  Now it is time for parents to jump in and help.  Troy needs six parents to help record times, fill out awards, and help with general organization the day of the event.  You would need to be at Steller at 9:30 am and stay for most of the events—bonus! You get to partake of the fabulous all-school-luncheon.   Please contact Troy, , as soon as possible if you can help with this important task.  Staff will be supervising the events, but we do need parent help to ensure the success of this fun field day.

Now about that all-school luncheon—each student on the team is responsible for bringing food to share as listed in the following table. REMEMBER this is according to teams, not Advisory Groups.  All food should be brought to the staff lounge, as the kitchen is under construction.  Keep in mind, refrigerator space is limited, so we will only have room for items containing, meat, cheese or mayonnaise.  Drinks and dessert will be provided.