During an All Steller High School meeting after school, it was decided by the vast majority of the students in attendance, that the Steller High School Prom 2019, “Secret Garden,” will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019, at the Senior Center on 19th St. from 8:00pm -12:00am.
It was also determined that in order to ensure that the prom could take place, parents would need to sign up to chaperone and students would need to volunteer to help decorate the venue. Â
We would like to thank all students who attended the impromptu meeting. Thank you for sharing your ideas and opinions and for participating in true Steller form by respecting the opinions and ideas of others even though they may not be your own.
We hope to see you all at the, “Secret Garden.”
Please note, if you are planning on bringing a guest who does not attend Steller Secondary, sign ups close at 4:00pm, Wednesday, May 1, 2019.