Steller Family International Potluck – March 31

Steller Family International Potluck
THIS FRIDAY, March 31st 6-8pm 

  Our entire Steller community is welcome to come and enjoy food and our families from around the world! 


Almost all of us come from somewhere else originally, please consider bringing a traditional dish from your family’s country of origin, or bring what your family loves to eat here.  If your family is Native American/Alaskan, please consider bringing traditional food.

Want to help? Planning meeting this Wednesday after school.

Are there students who might share a poem in their home language? Or a song? Or a dance?

 Some of the foods we hope to have!
Armenian, Iranian, Turkish, Russian, Danish, German, Italian, Australian, French, Irish, Pilipino, others??

Call us if you would like us to print out a flag or recipe card for the food you are bringing

 Please Contact Alyse Galvin 884-2299 or Seta with ideas or offers to help