Steller Facility Needs List

During the 2011-2011 school year a facility needs list was compiled which included input from parent group meetings, the staff , the all community meetings and from correspondence from the Steller community.  (Please view past Flash newsletters for more details)

If you as a student, staff member, or parent/guardian would like to add to this list, or comment, please do so via email to  by October 14, 2011.  This list will then be forwarded to the administration for consideration.

Summary of Short Term Needs:

  • We need more teaching space (this could be in form of relocatable buildings for the short term) to accommodate:
    • A dedicated Art room (not shared with another (non-art) class
    • Seminar classroom and space for seminar coaching groups
    • PE (Including a larger weight/workout room)
    • A separate PE space for alternative classes like yoga and dance
    • We need new PE equipment.  Some suggestions have incuded  a climbing wall and a running
    • We need a washer and dryer for science labs
    • We need upgraded equipment, complete supplies and lab furniture for the science labs
    • A greenhouse off the science lab

We need proper classroom furniture in all classrooms Summary of long-term needs – to include expansion of the school  with a new wing to include:

  • A dedicated Art room
  • Seminar classroom and space for seminar coaching
  • A new library, equal to libraries available to other  MS and HS students in the district
  • Expansion of the gym and PE space for a climbing wall, a better and bigger weight room and equipment
  • A gardening/horticultural area
  • An outdoor learning area
  • A dedicated space for Band and Orchestra
  • Spaces or ’Pods’ where smaller coaching groups could go.  These could also service multiple functions i.e. Seminar, providing students space to practice instruments, drama, study etc.
  • It was also suggested during parent meeting discussions that wiring and heating, and air circulation also need upgrading
  • At the last meeting of the parent group, text books were also identified to be in short supply for Chemistry students.  The consensus was that the ASD is responsible for ensuring that all classes have an adequate supply of text books for all classes.