The annual Steller Auction is less than a week away, and very few donations have been brought to the office.  We have volunteers scheduled for Monday, Thursday, and Friday of next week who are willing to spend hours doing the painstaking data entry portion of the Auction’s many chores . . . the only glitch being, thus far, there is little data to enter.  Don’t put it off any longer—

Contact your friends, relatives, acquaintances, business associates, your dog groomer, your piano teacher, your hairdresser, your travel agent, your accountant, your favorite concert venue or coffee shop about donating goods, services, or certificates to Steller.  It is excellent advertising for their business, as we have a very loyal and responsive community.

Scour your garage, attic, or guest room for new or gently used treasures you no longer need, but some other Stellerite might be interested in purchasing.

Ask your Steller student about their Advisory Group’s progress on a themed auction basket.  We are endeavoring to keep the value of those baskets in the range of $25-$125 this year.  Any larger than that are less likely to earn their value in bidding.  They might consider breaking up a large basket into smaller units that may share a theme, but be more affordable.  These AG baskets should be assembled in Monday’s Advisory Group meeting during 4th hour.

Bring donations to Steller as soon as possible!

Every item brought to the office should have a blue log-in form attached. You can download copies of this form here to fill out at home. Each item requires its own form unless it is part of a basket or collection to be auctioned as a bundle. The item number blank appearing at the top of the form refers to the corresponding number on the master log-in sheet in the office.  You won’t know this number until you bring in your items—this is just a way for us to make sure we can account for all items dropped off, and contact you if we have any questions. If you need a receipt for your tax deductible donation, you can pick up a green form in the office when you drop off your donation.  Donations for Advisory Group theme baskets should be taken directly to the Advisor’s classroom—you do not need to fill out any log-in forms. Easy to follow directions are posted on the Auction Table in the office.  If your item is a gift certificate, very small in size, or over $100 in value, please leave the item with Jamie or Elizabeth after you have completed the donation forms. Contact if you have any questions.

We are looking forward to a fabulous evening on Saturday, April 2.  The 9th grade students have been working hard planning decorations, food & entertainment.  Please support them, and Steller, by bringing in your donation as soon as possible.


Steller Auction Committee