Staff Corner

“Steller is a school where active participation in community events is an expectation for students, parents and faculty”.

-Steller Secondary School Expectations Documents

On November 18th the Steller staff will host the fall “All Community Meeting”.  At one time the ACMtgs took precedence over the Advisory Board in major decision-making that would determine the direction of the school. Over the years the ACMtgs have evolved into work sessions where community members, students, parents and staff, come together to explore options for solving problems, to discuss issues of major concern, or to brainstorm ideas for enhancing the Steller program.  This November 18th the faculty invites all Steller members to join us as we put on our collective thinking caps to probe into the following issues with an end toward formulating an action plan to move us toward resolution:

Senior Projects, Parent Communications, Enhancing Advisory Groups, Teacher Recruitment, Exit Survey, and Steller’s Strategic Plan Review.

We would propose that groups meet to explore pertinent questions around the above topics, and with the help of teacher facilitators & recorders, brainstorm ideas, possibilities and plans for the future.  This process would be repeated for a total of three 20 minute sessions, giving folks the opportunity to have input into three areas of interest to them.

After the discussion portion of the evening has concluded, the reporter from each area will summarize the key points gleaned from the discussions and briefly report to the whole group giving one or two suggestions for how to move forward. The input gathered will be used by the faculty as guidance for how to proceed as we tackle these issues this school year.  Please join us!  6:30 pm November 18th.  We look forward to working together with you all.