Spotlight on: School Business Partnerships!

The Anchorage School Business Partnership program has been part of the ASD community since 1991. At present the program has grown to almost 540 partnerships worth well over $2,500,000 dollars to the School District. The program offers opportunities for businesses and schools to partner their expertise and services with one another. Generally, a business will give assistance directly to a selected school. The business partner enhances the education of ASD students and helps students gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the community and business world. The underlying message is that there are business professionals who support our schools and actively look for positive ways to assist.

twlogo2.jpg This year, Steller has three business partners. The first partnership is Title Wave Books. Title Wave has found several ways to help Steller students participate in community service. Most recently, Title Wave asked and Steller responded: 17 Steller students took the performance stage at Title Wave and read selections of their choosing for a packed house during Banned Books Week 2007. Afterwards, Title Wave provided each student participant with a thank you gift. Last year, Title Wave generously provided over 25 gift certificates for student recognition as well as one for a seriously ill staff member. They are also willing to provide mentorships for interested students during our January and May intensives. During the holidays Title Wave gives Steller groups priority on their gift-wrapping station during the holiday season. They provide wrapping paper, tape, a table, and public address announcements free to Steller. Several advisory and class groups earned tips for their charities, clubs and activities last year and groups will again be “wrapping it up” on several occasions this holiday season once again.

adp-logo-for-emails.jpgThe Anchorage Downtown Partnership is our second business partner. The ADP provides opportunities for student volunteers during holiday events in the downtown area. Because most colleges require over 500 documented high school
community service hours, this is just one good reason why Steller strongly recommends students attain 500 community service hours or more by the time of their graduation. The ADP sends a personalized letter to every Steller participant after each event recognizing his or her service, a nice addition to his or her college portfolio.

The next opportunity for Steller students sponsored by the ADP is the Annual New Year’s Eve Celebration, which will be held on Monday, December 31. Students can help anytime between 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. with children’s parties and other activities occurring in Town Square. ADP is inviting families of Steller students to participate as well. Interested families and students can call Kris Natwick at 279-5668, or email her: to sign up.

bbbs.jpeg Our third business partner is Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Alaska. Steller students have the opportunity this year to participate in the BBBS “Bigs and Littles” program. Essentially, Steller high school students in grades 9-12 volunteer to become a “Big,” and they are individually paired with an elementary school “Little.” Since we are so close in proximity to North Star Elementary, “Bigs” are paired with North Star Elementary “Littles.” Bigs and Littles meet together once per week for one hour at North Star for friendship and fun. A Big might read a book with their Little, help with homework, or just talk.
Finally, Steller can have more than three business partners. We would love to hear from any size business that would like to work with Steller and potentially form a partnership. Furthermore, Steller families are always invited to provide support in any of the mentioned areas. Please contact Linda in the Counseling office at 742-4956 or by email at Thanks for your input!