Souper Steller News! Soup is on this week and help is needed!

This week Brian’s advisory chose Caribou Chili and Tomato Basil soups along with Corn Bread and fruit.

We would appreciate help Thursday from 2 to 4 PM and Friday anytime between 9 AM and 12:45 PM.

Update for next year- Do we want this tradition to continue? How might we change it? Unfortunately, Alyse is not able to lead Souper Steller next year. So if this is something you’re interested in doing now would be a great time to check in with Alyse and find out more details. This work can be divided among more than one person too! (Many hands make light work) there will be a meeting March 29 at noon for any parent and/or interested in discussing how and if we might organize for next year.

Please contact or 884-2299 with questions.