Sophomore Day permission slips are due today April 11. Please give to Nurse Annette

Friday, April 14, 2017 8:30 AM – 2:05 PM
King Career Center 

Each year Steller conducts an educational program for the sophomore class. The emphasis is on pertinent life issues affecting youth. This is a full day workshop that features guest speakers from the community. The purpose of this event is to present students with current and accurate information.
This year, our day includes many prevention-based presentations:

  • Substance Abuse and Electronic Use – Tad Sumner, Psychology Resources
  • Suicide Awareness – Sonya Davis, MOA DHHS
  • ID Theft & Social Media Scams – Michelle Tabler, Better Business Bureau 

Parent permission is required to attend this workshop; there are two separate consent forms: Consent Forms Sophomore Day.pdf

Our goal is to have every Steller sophomore attend this important event. Students can find anything on the Internet these days, but not everything is factual. The importance of reinforcing information related to these adolescent issues couldn’t be overemphasized and teens need to be provided with the facts to help them make wise decisions.

Students will be excused from classes if they attend the full-day workshop. However, students without permission must attend regularly scheduled classes.