Snapshot of Parent Group Meeting 9-21-2011

For the unabridged minutes, click here

Root Down Presentation– A caterer who currently serves students and staff at Aquarian, Rilke Schule, Winterberry and others presented samples and described what their services, menu and partnership might look like at Steller. The Parent Group suggested they present to students (which they already had in the works), to staff, and put out a survey to parents to see how much interest there would be in having Root Down deliver lunches to Steller.

What’s happening at Steller

  • Principal Report: Drama and choir programs are starting this month.  Steller evaluating having Intensives at beginning of the year, give your written input to the office. Dale requesting that legislative grant include: greenhouse lighting and rock wall.
  • Advisory Group: A new kitchen policy passed regarding supplies and food handling policies.  See Ad Board minutes for details.
  • Auction Report: Auction is November 12.  Parents are encouraged to solicit donations of think of time and talent that might be of value as an auction item.  Please send an email to Rebecca ( or Wendy ( for more information or to let them know what you or your company can donate to this Steller FUNdraiser.

Working Discussion Groups:

  • Healthy Lunches: Mostly discussed Root Down Presentation.  Way forward: Present to students, survey to go on flash
  • After 2pm Offerings: Discussed what is already at Steller and a wish lish from the parent perspective. Way forward: Need to start by asking students what they want.  Need a comprehensive list of what is there. Dale is working a list. Parents would like the list put on Flash to help connect families to these student opportunities.
  • Budget Review: Discussed the budget from last year to evaluate whether is met the overall goals of parent group-supporting student learning opportunities. Parents expressed particular concern that the basic need of textbooks be met and felt that should be covered by ASD monies. Way forward: Rebecca (treasurer) will present a draft budget will be presented for possible vote at the next meeting.
  • Building Improvements: Discussed the two ‘wishlists’ of facility needs identified by all community and the staff.  We discussed how to move forward on getting word to ASD CRAC (the committee who decides when and what improvements to put forward to the ASD board) Way forward: In order to determine that we have agreement in the Steller community about what our priorities are, Katherine will simplify the list and put it out to the community for comment through the Flash, with a deadline.  Then those who wish to advocate can proceed to move it further.


A request for $300 in basic art supplies was granted to the Art Room.


  • Parent volunteers needed for desert baskets (parents at meeting fulfilled this by volunteering)
  • Parent Liaisons Needed: Parents, if you would like to assist your student’s advisor in getting word out about Advisory happenings or needs that the advisor may have for the advisory group activities or the advisor class activities, please offer to be the liaison. Contact your student’s advisor or Rochelle at if interested, to find out if your student’s advisor needs a liaison.
  • Next Meeting ~You’re invited October 19, 6pm