Second Quarter is Here


Dear Steller Parents and Guardians,

Can you believe a few weeks from now will mark the end of our first Semester?  Finals week will begin on November 29th, the week following Thanksgiving. During this period, rest and proper nourishment are critical for our students to do their best on their finals.

Homework is not our enemy, this is one way students can practice what they have learned and begin to hone those skills for later use in their pursuit of higher education or the world of work.  Likewise the quizzes and tests they are given are like a mirror.  A mirror that gives each student a glimpse of what things they are good at and what things need improvement.

There has been lots happening at Steller this month.  Select students have been engaged in the New WorkKeys Exam and the Plan Exam.  Alyse Galvin has  developed and implemented an exciting parent, student and staff meeting called “Steller Café”.  The first meeting was held on November 4, 2010 in our MPR.  Keep watching the FLASH for more on this exciting new endeavor.

Alayne and students in the Art Club are moving forward on their “First Friday” like event called Creative Commons. This promises to be an exciting and fun event.  Watch the FLASH for more information on it as well.

A committee consisting of a parent, student, nurse, Administrative Secretary and myself have been interviewing all week looking for that perfect candidate to fill our secretary opening.  We have had some promising candidates and as of the writing of this article we have three more applicants to interview.  We are all optimistic we will find someone perfect for that position.

As we move toward the end of yet another quarter we thank you for your continued trust and support in helping make Steller one of the best schools  in Anchorage.