Schoolwide Tech Challenge

Everyone in the Steller community (students, staff, and parents) is invited to participate. Some time between October 28th and November 6th find a 24 hour period during which you pledge to give up all digital devices and media: no Internet, no cell phone, no TV, no iPods, no video games, etc.

If you lapse by mistake (i.e. you answer a phone call without realizing it), don’t give up. Note the mistake and go on to finish your 24 hours.

If you do NOT make it the full 24 hours, be honest. How long did you make it? What happened?

Although you may need to use your computer for homework or work, try to pick a time when you can go without using it. Jot down your thoughts about the experience. We’ll share our results/experiences in advisory group and possibly in discussions at the All Community Meeting.

*Adapted from Professor Susan Moeller’s experiment described in The Teenage Brain by Frances E. Jensen.