School Funding and Budget Cuts in Juneau

Funds for Anchorage School District-ASD (which pays for Steller teachers and curriculum, heat, building, etc) comes from the state and the municipality (and a small amount from the federal government)

  • The senate in the legislature just proposed additional cuts of $47.6M to House Bill 72 (HB 72), and this is on top of the $32M in cuts that Governor Walker proposed. ASD made its budget for next year based on the bill passed last year HB278 which was supposed to secure funds (albeit modest, and not keeping up with inflation the third year) for three years.  
  • If the current bill goes through as it is now, it will mean potentially 300 positions cut.  And proportionately much worse for other districts without the cushion of a bigger cash fund. 
  • If the bill restores the 47.6M in cuts but keeps the cuts that the governor proposed to education, it would mean approximately 32 positions or so cut.
  • Additionally the bank account with one year’s worth of education funding will be zeroed out, the way the current bill reads.  Essentially they will be taking the forward fund account to pay for next year with no plan for the following year.
  • If ever you were to advocate for public education, now is the time!  Some legislators are seizing this very difficult financial times to make draconian cuts knowing that it will NOT balance the budget.  In fact there may be some adverse effects with so many firing in so many communities at this point.
  • Please see this link for the latest from ASD
  • Please like Great Alaska Schools Anchorage on Facebook for more information. Also, Alaska PTA is a good source for information and calls to action.
  • Attached, please find a list of phone numbers and expected areas of education which will suffer cuts.
  • Feel free to call Alyse Galvin 884-2299 if you have questions.