School Action / Parent Involvement Plan

School Action Plan and Parental Involvement Plan


Year: 2010-2011

Under the ASD’s school accountability plan, a principal is required to submit a School Action / Parent Involvement Plan.

Requirement of all schools in AYP Level 2 or higher status: Each school designated as AYP Level 2 or higher with students whose SBA scores were proficient or above and whose scores have declined for any reason other than regression to the mean will receive data for the students who fit this criteria when it becomes available. At that time the principal will meet with staff to discuss the identified students. A plan to ensure that these students remain proficient in future years will then be developed and implemented.

Who was involved in the development of the School Action Plan?

In preparing this School Action Plan, what data was analyzed?

Anchorage School District

Parents (Non-District Employees)

1. Alyse Galvin/parent committee

2. Janice Banta/parent committee

3. Jennifer Hall Jones/parent committee

4. Michelle Brannon/parent committee

Certified Staff

1. Danielle Sjoden

2. Harlod Green

3. Jennifer Strauss

4. Jennifer Wadsworth

5. John Stahl

6. John Stahl

7. Linda Samorajski

8. Natalie Foley

9. Robert Vandergriff

Classified Staff

1. Elizabeth Wood

2. JayBee deLara

Other Interested Persons


1. Aisha Miller

2. Christopher Jenkins

3. Iris Benson

State Assessment Data

In-House Assessment Data

Grade Distribution

Drop Out Data

Discipline Data

Briefly list 3-5 key findings from the School Action Plan development team’s data analysis.

The following writing goal targets continuous and substantial progress:

Goal 1 aligns with the following ASD School Board goals:

Anchorage School District

Attendance Information

Parent Involvement


Key Findings supported by District measurement tools:

1. Steller’s Peer climate survey ranked us at 3.69 which was significantly higher than the district’s report of 3.07. While that number is very good we felt that we could do better. Within the SEL goal we addressed activities that would enable our peer climate ratings to rise in a positive direction by focusing on ways to increase positive interactions between our students and parents.

We outlined some strategies that will enable us to provide more support to our students both in the classroom and at home.

2. In developing the 2010-11 writing goal we looked at SBA test results. We found that Steller’s SBA test performance was among the highest in the district. Steller placed at the 90% range or better in contrast to the district’s combined 78.99% which indicated to us that we were on the right path with our students. However, it also signaled that we must work even harder to maintain these levels. The goal we developed for writing is going to help us continue at our current level of success in writing and to raise those levels to an even higher percentage.

3. Thirdly, we looked at data from the HSGQE for our juniors and seniors. What we found was both our juniors and seniors scored in the 95% or more range. We considered our performance levels in detail. Because they were so high it necessitated a focused approached in developing appropriate goals for our students, staff and parents. Initially the thought was we do not have to do anything we are at the top of our game in terms of our performance. After much discussion, we agreed that we do need appropriate goals to in order to maintain or surpass where we currently rank. We decided the difficulty of the task did not lie with delivery of information it has more to do with taking for granted we will always do well. Anyone that follows competitive events knows that the surest way to fall short is to discount or under estimate the task at hand. I believe our goals indicate that we are committed to maintaing the level of success we currently enjoy.

We realize that we must continue to have very high expectations, we must increase our efforts to incorporate our parents and we must never stop expanding our own learning.

Writing Goal

Writing is easier if one is interested in the topic. It would make it easier to write if the topics were high interest and more relevant to the student. School-wide, teachers should make assessment of student’s writing before and after each semester to gauge growth. Teacher’s will provide an increased emphasis on basic grammar and punctuation in their writing classes especially in the composition classes.

All students will graduate from high school prepared for post-secondary academic/vocational/career opportunities.

The following action plan will be implemented to help meet goal 1:

The following professional development activities will be implemented to help meet goal 1:

The following parent involvement goal targets the attainment of academic goal 1:

The following action plan will be implemented to help meet the parent involvement goal:

The following formative assessments will be used throughout the school year to identify strategies and

tools for informing whether adjustments in the goal 1 action plan are needed:

Anchorage School District

The achievement gap between racial, ethnic and economic groups in the highly diverse ASD will be eliminated through education that is accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students and safe.

ASD will partner with parents and the community for greater educational success for our students.

ASD will manage effectively and efficiently all financial and human resources.

All ASD departments will support the mission of the District with good customer service, both internally and externally.

1. Focus the monthly Curriculum Meetings on the writing goal and use the time to identify target areas for improvement (ARS).

2. Each teacher will integrate writing skills in their curriculum.

3. Advisors will focus part of the Student-led Conferences specifically on writing with attention to areas of strengths and weaknesses for each student. This will also be used as a time to set individual writing goals.

4. Hand out study materials and practice tests leading up to the HSGQE.

1. During the Curriculum Meetings, teachers will meet in Departments to discuss and develop ideas and strategies to advance the writing goal.

2. Formal training in using ARS to identify/target areas of need

3. Language Arts teachers will work with teachers in other curriculum areas to support integration of writing skills in content areas.

Steller volunteer parents will develop an informational flier to inform other parents of Steller’s 2010-2011 school goals.

Parents will develop an informational flier to inform parents of Steller’s 2010-2011 school goals.

This will include a questionnaire/survey to elicit parent expertise/strengths/talents to support student learning associated with these goals before, during and after school. Subsequently, students will also be surveyed to assess their interest in these topics. Addressing the stated goal of identifying individual student writing strengths and weaknesses in advisory group and sending that home for parents to sign will get the job done.

Grade Mark Distribution

Failure Rates

In-House Assessments

Anecdotal Observations

Individual Reflections

Group Reflections

The following academic goal 2 targets continuous and substantial progress:

Goal 2 aligns with the following ASD School Board goals:

The following action plan will be implemented to help meet goal 2:

The following professional development activities will be implemented to help meet goal 2:

The following parent involvement goal targets the attainment of academic goal 2:

Anchorage School District


Site Action Research

Discipline Data

Parent Involvement


Academic Goal 2

Compared to results from last years Alaska Standards Based Assessments, in Math performance, our school will reduce the percentage of non-proficient students for this year’s HSGQE by at least 5%.

All students will graduate from high school prepared for post-secondary academic/vocational/career opportunities.

The achievement gap between racial, ethnic and economic groups in the highly diverse ASD will be eliminated through education that is accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students and safe.

ASD will partner with parents and the community for greater educational success for our students.

ASD will manage effectively and efficiently all financial and human resources.

All ASD departments will support the mission of the District with good customer

service, both internally and externally.

1. Steller will supply study materials to the entire 10th grade student body prior to the HSGQE.

2. The math department will collaborate with the special education department by helping with study strategies and to create additional materials.

The math, science, and special education department will become more familiar with the topics covered in the HSGQE and will emphasize those topics when appropriate in their classroom; especially in those that contain 10th graders. Steller will target the 10th grade specifically since this test is crucial for them to graduate. By starting out with one group and seeing what we can do to help with their success, we will then use the same strategies to help with the other grades in the future.

Parents will develop an informational flier to inform parents of Steller’s 2010-2011 school goals.

This will include a questionnaire/survey to elicit parent expertise/strengths/talents to support student learning associated with these goals before, during and after school. Subsequently, students will also be surveyed to assess their interest in these topics.

The following action plan will be implemented to help meet the parent involvement goal:

The following formative assessments will be used throughout the school year to identify strategies and tools for informing whether adjustments in the goal 2 action plan are needed:

The following Social Emotional Learning or Culturally Responsive Education goal targets continuous and substantial progress:

Goal 3 aligns with the following ASD School Board goals:

The following action plan will be implemented to help meet goal 3:

Anchorage School District

Addressing the stated goal of identifying individual student math strengths and weaknesses in advisory group and sending that home for parents to sign would get the job done.

Grade Mark Distribution

Failure Rates

In-House Assessments

Anecdotal Observations

Individual Reflections

Group Reflections


Site Action Research

Discipline Data

Parent Involvement


SEL or CRE Goal

Comparing 09-10 results to 10-11, Steller Secondary School will improve student’s perception of their school being a safe community for learning as evidenced by an increase in the peer climate rating on the School Climate and Connectedness Survey.

All students will graduate from high school prepared for post-secondary academic/vocational/career opportunities.

The achievement gap between racial, ethnic and economic groups in the highly diverse ASD will be eliminated through education that is accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students and safe.

ASD will partner with parents and the community for greater educational success for our students.

ASD will manage effectively and efficiently all financial and human resources.

All ASD departments will support the mission of the District with good customer service, both internally and externally.

The following professional development activities will be implemented to help meet goal 3:

The following parent involvement goal targets the attainment of academic goal 3:

The following action plan will be implemented to help meet the parent involvement goal:

The following formative assessments will be used throughout the school year to identify strategies and tools for informing whether adjustments in the goal 3 action plan are needed:

Anchorage School District

1. Steller will develop and implement a more focused curriculum through its counseling program, providing students with social management skills as outlined in ASD’s Social Emotional Learning standards.

2. All school presentations will be developed to teach students ways to use positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others.

3. Advisory group meeting discussions will focus on developing students’ abilities to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways.

4. All-school community forums, will be provided, when appropriate, to allow students to respond in ‘one voice’ to problems and solutions related to developing and maintaining a positive school climate.

1. Participate in professional development and reciprocal classroom observations with colleagues focusing on language and practices that promote high expectations.

2. Bring in speakers for workshops on issues like teaching points, intellectual work and engagement strategies.

3. Work with the district in providing training in developing purposeful SEL objectives use of surveys to students, staff and parents.

4. Talk-arounds, which are community based activities to address systemic issues.

In an effort to explore opportunities for before and after schoool and to increase parent involvement in student learning, parents will develop an informational flier to inform parents of Steller’s 2010-2011 school goals. This will include a questionnaire/survey to elicit parent expertise/strengths/talents to support student learning associated with these goals before, during and after school. Subsequently, students will also be surveyed to assess their interest in these topics.

Parents will develop an informational flier to inform parents of Steller’s 2010-2011 school goals.

This will include a questionnaire/survey to elicit parent expertise/strengths/talents to support student learning associated with these goals before, during and after school. Subsequently, students will also be surveyed to assess their interest in these topics. Addressing the stated goal of identifying individual student writing strengths and weaknesses in advisory group and sending that home for parents to sign will get the job done.

Grade Mark Distribution

Failure Rates

In-House Assessments

Anecdotal Observations

Individual Reflections

Group Reflections


This is the plan is for communicating this SAP’s goals and actions to students, parents, staff and community members:

Anchorage School District

Site Action Research

Discipline Data

Parent Involvement


To develop a communication program that all staff and community members embrace. This plan will provide public understanding and awareness of what Steller Secondary is and is not. To inform the community at large of the quality programs provided in Steller Secondary, programs that offer a quality alternative educational experiences for all students, We believe this plan will also help to establish a positive school climate one that promotes cooperation, family and community involvement.

Methods We Will Use to Attain the Goal:

• Newsletters

• School Generated Robot Calls

• The “Flash” (a parental information site managed by parents)

• School Generated Robot Emails

• Parent Group Meetings

• All School Meetings

• Advisory Board Meetings

• All Community Meetings

• Zangle Parent Connect, used by every teacher

• Student Advisory Group parent liaisons

• Evening activities sponsored by individual Advisory Group teachers

• Hosting Parent Forums

We will also continue to utilize tried and true methods of communication such as Open House, Back to School Night and Parent Teacher Conferences. We believe that getting the above message to as many families and community members as possible will strengthen existing connections as well as create new ones.