Registration for Fall Classes

Dear Parents,

Beginning next fall Steller will be following the Anchorage School District’s calendar for student-led Parent / Teacher conferences.  The first series of conferences will take place October 27-28.  You will receive more information on this in the upcoming months.

During this transition year we will still set aside one day for optional conferences on May 19th.  If you would like to set up a time, please call the office and Susan can access your child’s advisor’s calendar.  The purpose of the year-end conference is to review the challenges and successes of the past year and to set goals for 2010-11.

The shift to October conferences will allow us to register our returning students for fall classes on May 20th, one of the dates traditionally reserved for Year-end Student Conferences.  On the 20th students will meet with their Advisor to register for their first choice of classes.

The reporting times will be as follows:

Next  year’s 12th graders:   8:30 – 10:00

Next year’s 11th/8th graders   10:00 – 12:00

Next year’s 9th and 10th Graders  1:00 – 3:00

Students unable to register will have another opportunity in the fall on August 12th from noon to 3pm. [Tentative]