Read the Answers to the Steller Future Q & A now!

The questions we are facing as a community are:

With the move of all grade 6 students to Middle School, should Steller:

  • Become a 6 to 12 school
  • Become a 9 to 12 school

With ASD high schools adopting an Academy Model as part of the Career, College and Life ready Strategy should Steller:

  • Adopt an Academy Model
  • Not adopt an Academy Model
  • Adopt an Academy model – with proposed modifications,  the details of which will be discussed next semester

There are three parts to this decision making process:

FIRST: Learn

ASD website information  Middle School    Academy Model

 Fact Sharing Parent Forum (video recording from September 21)

Steller Principal’s response to Google Form for Questions, Concerns & Suggestions specific to Steller (September 21 to 29 and at October 10 at  SPG meeting. 

The meetings on October 16 and 19th are part of the DISCUSSION phase of the process. The purpose is to facilitate parent discussion of the pros and cons of options at hand to help make informed decisions. Please make sure you have read the information from the ASD website and The Future of Steller BEFORE the meeting. We will not be answering questions or presenting new information at these meetings. 


Steller Parent Group sessions for discussion. October 16 (by Zoom) OR October 19 (in person).

Community SURVEY with questions as above,.October 11 to 29

THIRD: Decide

All Community Meeting where, per our bylaws, the community VOTES on our final PROPOSAL to ASD. Need quorum of 75 SPG members, including 15 students for the vote to be valid (November 2). Maria to present our proposal to ASD. 

ASD will make the final decision. 

Follow up discussions regarding implementation of any decision we/ASD makes will take place in the second semester.