Principal’s Report – March 18, 2009

Testing is coming up the first week in April. Students will be assessed in the area of science for grades 7-10:

· Thursday, April 2 – Science Standard Base Assessment [SBA]

Students in grades 7-9th will be taking the SBA and the 10th grade students will be taking the combined HSGQE/SBA. In addition any juniors or seniors that have not passed the HSGQE will have an opportunity to retake it between April 7th and 9th.

· Tuesday, April 7th – Reading

· Wednesday, April 8th – Writing

· Thursday, April 9th – Math

Spring Intensives course selections have been narrowed to one/two selections per teacher. Below are the offerings thus far:

Intensives offerings

  • Philip/Bob: UK Trip
  • Troy: Bball
  • Nina: BWPhoto/Orienteering
  • Gerald: Geocaching
  • Larry: Computers
  • Michelle: Quilting/Scrapbooking
  • Frank: Tennis, MyLife
  • Jen/Natalie: Global Warming
  • Toni: Indoor/Outdoor Sports
  • Danielle: Peace Garden/Write
  • Ken: Backpacking
  • Jennifer: Political Dr. Suess
  • Shannon: Oceanography
  • Jean: Aviation/Landscaping
  • Ray: First Responders Course
  • Guest: Video Production

Next step: Ad group needs to add to the list and suggest courses that they would like to see offered. What classes would kids like to see us do?

March 20, 2009 is the Friday Night Dance, sponsored by Jen’s counseling group.

· 7 – 11 p.m.

· The theme is the “green dance”

· More chaperones are needed

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! March 27, 2009 is the evening of the Steller Auction.

· 5 – 9-ish

· This year’s theme is “Rock n Roll”

· There will be a pot luck as well. See Jen for details