Principal Selection Process Update

The Steller Parent Group will be hosting a meeting for interested parents at 5:30 PM just prior to the Friday meet and greet.  The meeting will provide parents with a chance to discuss potential questions for our four candidates and how the second part of the meet and greet will go in the four breakout classrooms.  Please feel free to bring cookies to share with the community during the meet and greet.  Students will be providing coffee from Temple of the Bean for the evening.

Our four principal candidates include Dale Evern and David Legg, both currently with the ASD, Mariah Thomas-Wolf who has completed several administrative positions (including principal) in Alaska (not ASD), and Dave Morris an Alaskan with much experience in K-12 education who is currently the principal in Togiak.
For more information, please refer to prior posting on the Flash about the principal selection process.