Please help stock emergency food supply

  power barHello Families,

Now that our school year is off and running, I am hoping to get some help meeting some basic needs for our students. For numerous reasons, there are times when some students are in need of something to eat for lunch. Maybe they forgot it or didn’t have time to pack one. Perhaps they can’t afford to purchase it. Regardless, we try to have something available for our students who may benefit from semi-healthy snacks at lunchtime or as an emergency backup.

During your next visit to Costco or other grocery store, please think about picking up a healthy food item to help stock our emergency supply. Please – No high fructose corn syrup or trans fats! Items that are high in protein and low in sodium and sugar are always best. Things like fruit cups, applesauce, protein bars, veggie drinks, etc. are wonderful. Nourishing microwaveable items are also a plus (instant mac & cheese cups, chili cups, lentil soups…). Other non-perishable items will also be gladly accepted.

Thanks so much! Nurse Annette