Planning Meeting Needs Volunteers

Planning Meeting for our Welcome BBQ and All Community Meeting – Students and Parents are invited!

Tue. July 26, at noon in Steller MPR or garden if really beautiful outside)

It’s hard to believe we are already near the end of July and it’s time to begin planning for Fall! Our first event of the year is Steller Welcome BBQ and All Community Meeting set for August 26 from 5-8 pm. Please join us in planning our Steller Fall BBQ and All Community Meeting on July 26 at noon. We will have pizza and salad available for those on their lunch break.

Agenda-point of meeting:

Our planning group will help determine the logistics, activities. invitations, and menu of the BBQ and reach out to others in the Steller community to come and pitch in to make it a great time for all!

We will also determine ways of reaching to new families to help them to feel welcome and ‘oriented’ and think about perhaps offering some sort of ‘mentor’ family matches for those who wish to have one.

Please let us know if you can come or if you would like to help in some way. Email to:
