Peer Mediators Volunteer Opportunity

peer mediatorsSteller parent and Willow Crest Elementary School Counselor, Janice Banta, will be training new peer mediators at her school on Tuesday, August 12th and Wednesday, August 13th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Willow Crest is located at 1004 Tudor Road, just a few miles from Steller. It is a Title One school and students will benefit greatly having peer mediators on the playground for the first time next year.
Janice is hoping that Steller students will volunteer to assist during training days. This volunteer opportunity is open both for students who were trained as mediators in elementary school and for those who just like working with and helping young students. There will be lots to do, and as prior Denali mediators will attest, the training is a lot of fun.
We will work with Steller’s amazing volunteer coordinator, Victoria Weindel, to ensure that participating students will get volunteer hours credited toward their goal to achieve a President’s Volunteer Service Award. Students can commit full or half-day volunteer hours at the mediation training.
Please contact Janice at if you would like to help out with Willow Crest’s Peer Mediation Training.