This is just a reminder that Wednesday and Thursday are half days and Student-Led Conferences will be held in the afternoon. Classes are over at 11:45 and students need to be picked up or make arrangements for some place to go after school. Also there is no school on Friday the 18th and Monday the 21st, so everyone has a long weekend to play, rest, and get ready for finals’ week.
If you have not registered for a conference, here are the directions. ALL students must sign up as 7th graders!
1.    Go to
2.    Choose Steller as the school
3.    Choose 7th grade! (In order to work the system, all conferences are scheduled as 7th graders. It is the square peg into a round hole thing)
4.    For Team Name, choose your student’s ADVISOR (Conferences will be with the advisor, if you want to meet with classroom teachers, you will need to schedule a meeting outside of the conference dates. Your student’s advisor will have forms to request meetings.)
5.    Choose your day
6.    Choose your time and continue through the process. You can sign up to receive a reminder email. If you need to cancel your appointment time, you will have to email your advisor.
**You can also email your student’s advisor with times and the day that would work for you and they will schedule you in an open spot.