Parent Meeting November 19, 2008

Call to order: 5:42
I.   New Items to add to agenda: Parent IT group
II.  Principal Report: (Next Post)
III. Op Group Report: Hand Out
IV. Ad Board Report: Hand Out
V. Staff Report: Talent show will be moved from December to January.  The staff is discussing what group should run the Talent show.  The Staff is discussing a new registration process that includes pre-registration.  This would allow the staff to know ahead of time what classes are in high demand and to plan ahead.  Students are allowed to walk into a classroom to access their lockers while the class is being conducted.  This sometimes disrupts the ongoing class.  Students will be asked to be quieter while using their lockers.  Students are sending text messages and receiving text messages during the class period.  This is against the ASD policy.  The first time the student is caught the teacher will take the phone away for the class period.  The second time the student is
caught, the phone will go to the office and the parent will have to pick it up.
VI. Treasurers Report: Mary Tanner is still looking for a parent to Co-Chair the Treasurers position.  She will not be the Treasurer next year and would like to have some one work with her so they are up to speed next year.
The Steller Parent Group has $8763.69 in the checking account.   $2,864.83 was carried over from last year.  A total of 88 families have donated  $6,460.00.  E-Script has brought in $739.86 so far this year.
Raffle stubs and money and the unsold tickets must be turned in by December 15th.  Please keep selling the tickets until then.
Old and Ongoing Business:
Café Vending machines:  The new vending machine has microwavable food and yogurt.  The snacks must meet the nutritional guidelines set by the ASD.
The school receives approximately 15% of the proceeds.
The vending machine proceeds are divided as follows:  5% goes to the Alt Ed fund, 10% to the yearbook, 35% to the General Fund and 50% to Student Activities.  For the next 3 months the machine must bring in $250 per month for the vender to keep the machine at the school.  The vender will keep track of what is selling and what is not selling and adjust the food items to best suit the students’ needs.  The demand for cup of soup and snacks from the nurse’s office has gone down since the new vending machine was placed in the lounge. There is currently one microwave in the lobby. One more microwave will be placed in the lounge soon.
There was a discussion about what will happen to the vending machine when the Café is up and running. The vending machine would compete for the profits with the Café. It was suggested that the vending machine could be taken out of the school or perhaps the Café and the vending machine could operate on alternate days.
B. By-Law changes: Changes to the Steller By-Laws are being prepared for a vote at the next Ad Board meeting.  Under the Steller Advisory Board section of the by-laws page 2 section B the proposed changes are as follows:
B. Membership
Membership of the Advisory Board shall consist of one (1) student representative from each advisory group of ten (10) or more students.  There shall be one (1) parent representative for each two (2) student representatives.  There shall be one (1) staff representative per one hundred (100) students of major portion thereof.  The Principal shall be a member of the Advisory Board.
There shall be one (1) official alternate for each advisory group representative.  The staff will elect a single alternate.  The parents will elect four (4) alternates.  The alternate will vote in the event of the regular representative’s absence.  It will be the responsibility of the representative to provide timely notice to inform the alternate that an absence is forthcoming.
In the event the elected representative or alternate is unable to attend an Advisory Board meeting, any member of their group in attendance may vote in their stead.  The total number of votes cast shall not exceed: one (1) student vote per advisory group; one (1) parent vote per two (2) advisory groups; and one (1) staff vote per 100 students.  The principal may vote in the event of a tie.
On page 6 under G. the following change will also be voted on at the next Ad Board meeting.
G. Meetings
Meeting times and dates shall be set by the Advisory Board.

C.    Teachers Lunch: Danielle and Gerald’s counseling groups are preparing November teacher lunches.  In December, Jennifer and Jean’s counseling groups will be responsible for the Teacher Lunch.  Please remember that the teachers should not be involved in organizing the lunches.  The parents and students in the counseling groups should handle every thing themselves.
New Business:
A. Action: The Auction will be March 27th.  Jen and Natalie’s counseling groups will be the sponsors of the Auction this year.  There is a great need for a parent Chair and Co-Chair for the auction.  Ingrid Parish will be available to explain the responsibilities of the Chair and Co-chair if any one is willing volunteer.   Ingrid stated that it would be too much for the teachers and students to organize.   There is also a need for a parent liaison to organize the donations.  The auction needs 10 large donations of a minimum of $300 each.  Items include jewelry, weekend packages and artwork.    The auction proceeds are divided for the yearbook at 10%, technology 45%, and travel 45%.  It was suggested that the Parent Group should pay for the pizza that is served at the Auction Meetings.
Course Wish List:  Harlod encouraged the parents and staff to apply for Legislative Grants that are available.  The deadline to have the grant presented to Harlod is December 1.   Harlod will present a grant request to help fund a Wednesday Schedule curriculum.  Shannon will present a grant request for 2 new mobile computer stations with 10 computers on each station.
Harlod discussed RECESS (Reaching Excellence Creativity and Expanding Student Success).  He presented a Draft that he will be working on with the staff. It will be a Wednesday schedule program.
Early Registration:  Harlod discussed the benefits of pre-registration. The staff will be able to know what are the most popular classes.  It will help to manage class sizes and there will be less confusion.  The registration will be for the full year including intensives.
December Meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 17th 5:30-7:00pm
Adjourn: 7:25